Senior lecturer, University of Dar es Salaam School of Education

 Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Sciences, Linnaeus University, Sweden, March, 2016.  MEMA (Masters in Educational Management and Administration) - 2008, University of Dar es Salaam: Educational Planning & Administration; Educational Projects Manage




  1. Educational Planning &  Financing
  2. Educational Project/programme designs and implementation
  3. Educational Management Information Systems
  4. Educational Policy planning, making, analysis and Administration
  5. Human Resources Development in School Organization

1.   Undergraduate

  • EA 100: Introduction to Microeconomics of Education
  • EA 101: Approaches to Educational Planning
  • EA 200: Human Resources Development in School Organization
  • EA 303: Economics of Education and Finance


2.  Masters


  • EA 621 –Policy Planning and Administration
  • EA 622 – Management of Educational Institutions and Projects
  • EA 624 –Educational Policymaking and Policy Analysis
  • EA 625 – Educational Planning, Programme / Project Design and Implementation – been strongly involved in Educational Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation 
  • EA 630 - Educational Management Information System (EMIS) – some of the key areas I have been strongly involved include Management of Education Information; and Educational Data Projection and Computer Applications


3. PhD

  • SE 732-Financial Management in Education


  1. Educational Planning and Financing
  2. Educational Management Information Systems (EMIS)
  3. Educational Management and Administration
  4. Educational Policymaking and Analysis
  5. Planning/Designing and Management of Educational Projects
  6. Gender Planning, Financing and Advocacy.
  7. Remote/Rural areas researching, Educational research for generating practical Theories/Models in contexts


1. Bachilula, J.L., Dachi, H. & Boniface, R.M. (2022). The Lived Experiences of Women Leaders at the University of Dar es Salaam and the State University of Zanzibar. Tanzanian Journal of Population Studies and Development, 29(1), 116-130


2. Ngalawa, C. & Boniface, R. M.  (2020). Teachers’ Awareness on their Professional Code of Ethics and other Acts and Regulations dealing with Teachers’ Ethics: A Case of Mkuranga District Council, Coast Region, Papers in Education and Development, 38(2), 1-27.


3. Boniface, R. M. (2019). Employee Voice Contexts and Teacher Retention in Remote Secondary Schools in Tanzania. The African Journal of Teacher Education, 8,159-193.


4. Boniface, R. M. (2019). Teachers’ Demographic Characteristics and Retention Implications in Remote Secondary Schools in Tanzania, Journal of Education, Humanities and Sciences, 8(2), 1-17.

5. Boniface, R. M. (2019). Teachers’ Perceived School Level Sources of Low Retention in Remote Secondary Schools in Tanzania, Papers in Education and Development,37(1),65-93